Tastebuds App

Google Apple


Identifying a lack of proper restaurant reviews, I founded Hungrii Inc. to combine social networking with restaurant reviews. The app, TasteBuds, provides suggestions based on machine learning models and features that target specific user groups. I was the sole developer and technical member, developing in Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android, React Native for the management platform and HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript for the website. The platform is supported by a Google's NoSQL Firebase database, providing both real-time data for users and raw CSV data for daily machine learning model training. The model is a matrix factorization model that finds compatibilities between users to other users and users to restaurants. General information was scrapped using JavaScript and menus with Python, collecting data for thousands of restaurants across Vancouver. My accomplishments with Hungrii reflect my determination, perseverance and hard work, learning and creating a product in eight months from scratch. Additionally, my adaptability is showcased with a plethora of stack tools, an effort to position myself for learning and innovation.